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Kanri Kanban board app screenshot

The last Kanban app you need

Easily create Kanban boards offline on Windows, macOS and Linux. No internet requirement, no tracking and it's 100% free.

Benefits of using Kanri

Open source

Kanri is free and open source (FOSS), which means it’s not only free to use but also completely transparent. You can see the code, contribute to its development, and be part of its evolution.

Highly customizable

Tailor your Kanban boards to your unique style with custom themes and backgrounds. The Kanri app provides a level of customization which ensures that your workspace is not just functional but also visually appealing.

With power users in mind

Kanri understands the needs of power users. It offers convenient keyboard shortcuts for swift board navigation, export capabilities for data backups, and even allows you to import data from previous Kanri backups or other popular apps like Trello™.


Your data stays on your computer, respecting your privacy and enabling you to use the app even without an internet connection. This offline-first design ensures that you’re always in control of your data.

Sounds interesting? Leave a star on GitHub to show your support!

If you want to support the Kanri app, please leave a star ⭐️ on GitHub. This is a side-project that does not make any profit so this is the primary way to support development of a free and open source offline Kanban app for Windows, Linux and Mac.

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Still not sold? Here's what Kanri has to offer

Kanri is one of the few fully offline Kanban board apps which is designed to cater to your personal needs, making it ideal for solo developers, students, and anyone seeking a well-organized task management solution to streamline your tasks and boost productivity.

Familiar Kanban method

Kanri makes use of the popular Kanban method used in areas like software-development to organize tasks, using boards, cards and columns, just like it can be found in other apps like Trello™ or Jira™. Here's how it works:

Each board represents a project or bigger tasks and is the highest level of visual structure in the Kanban method. For example, you can have boards for things such as "Website redesign project" or "School assignments". Kanri allows you to create unlimited boards for free, providing you with full freedom to organize your projects as you please. Thumbnails on the home page allow you to peek into the general layout of your boards and quickly rename or delete boards.


Columns are the equivalent of categories for your tasks. They allow you to look at all of your tasks, group them and visualize the different stages of your project at all times. The most common categories which Kanri also ships with all new board are "Todo", "In progress" or "Doing" and "Done".


One card represents one granular task on a Kanban board. This can be something like "change main button color from red to blue". Each card can have this primary name, an extended description, sub-tasks for a checklist of related tasks or extended steps and a custom color to indicate things like status or a category.

Robust tech stack

Kanri is based on a strong tech stack that consists of:

  • Tauri: By utilizing Tauri’s strength, Kanri makes sure that offline functionality is flawless on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Nuxt.js v3: Kanri makes use of Nuxt.js v3’s performance and adaptability to give you a responsive and user-friendly interface.
  • Tailwind CSS: Thanks to the use of TailwindCSS, the app has a sleek design that makes it both aesthetically beautiful and practical.

Import and export

Kanri allows you to make backups of individual boards or all of your data at once. You can use this to make sure your data stays safe or transfer it to another device. Furthermore, you can import data from KanbanElectron or Trello™.

The Kanri philosophy

Kanri’s guiding principles include simplicity, privacy, and a sincere desire to improve user experience. We are convinced that a great productivity tool should provide you control while maintaining your privacy and not overwhelm you with features. What distinguishes the Kanri philosophy is as follows:

  1. Offline First: We appreciate the need for you to have access to your assignments and projects even when you’re not connected to the internet. Your productivity won’t ever be jeopardized by connectivity troubles because to Kanri’s ability to operate without an internet connection.

  2. Privacy-focused: Your data is valuable, and we recognize this. Kanri protects your privacy by just saving information on your smartphone. You may rest easy knowing that we don’t track your usage or collect any personal information.

  3. Simplicity: We think that simplicity has a certain beauty. Task management is a breeze with Kanri’s simple and clear UI. We make an effort to achieve the ideal balance between offering essential functionality and preventing excessive complexity or bloat.

  4. User Experience: The design of Kanri is centered on the user experience. We make an effort to invest in intelligent design and user-friendly interactions because we want you to enjoy using the app. Kanri is easy to use, making it available to users of all skill levels.

  5. Minimalist Approach: We give priority to features that actually increase efficiency for you. We don’t believe in overstuffing the user interface with unnecessary niceties. Instead, we carefully choose the elements that are most important to our consumers to keep Kanri effective and simple to use.

Digital tools are frequently accompanied by intrusive tracking and needless complexity in today’s environment, but Kanri is an alternative to that. Kanri will always have the goal of keeping everything offline, private, and user-focused. Being productive should be all about you, your work, and the smooth flow of things. Kanri helps you achieve that goal.

The future of Kanri (Roadmap)

The Kanri project has a clear roadmap and vision for the future, with a focus on improving functionality, user experience, and overall efficiency. Here’s a summarized outlook on the project’s upcoming developments:

Long term vision for the project:

  • 👷‍♂️ Improve current features and refactor to avoid tech debt
  • ➕ Add additional small/mid-sized features with high impact (reminders, sub-tasks, etc.)
  • 🚚 Work towards 1.0 release with features from the backlog like internationalization or a widget panel
  • 🔍 After 1.0: Possibility of cloud sync with collaboration (could be self-hosted or managed by me)

A granular list of priorities can be found in the roadmap in the projects tab of the GitHub repo.

This software is open for any contributions or feature requests, though always keep in mind that I am still a student with limited time and I might not be able to process every request immediately.

Behind the Kanri name

The name “Kanri” is a fusion of various inspirations, each contributing to the purpose and ideas behind the app. It embodies a multifaceted concept that combines both technological and organizational elements.

  • Kanban + Tauri: The first part of the name, “Kan,” draws its inspiration from “Kanban,” a productivity method which originated in Japan that emphasizes visualizing workflow and improving efficiency using concepts like boards, columns and cards. Just as Kanban boards help teams streamline their processes, Kanri empowers personal users to manage their tasks easily and effectively. The “ri” at the end of our name is a reference to “Tauri,” the underlying framework built in Rust that makes Kanri’s offline capabilities possible and bundles it as a Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Combined, the name “Kanri” signifies a powerful combination of traditional productivity principles and modern technologies such as Rust.
  • Japanese Term “Kanri”: Aside from its connection to Kanban and Tauri, the name “Kanri” is also inspired by the Japanese term “Kanri,” which translates to “management” or “control.” In the context of our application, “Kanri” represents your ability to take control of your tasks, projects, and workflow, all within a highly manageable and efficient system.
  • Hoshin Kanri Planning Method: Additionally, “Kanri” finds inspiration in the “Hoshin Kanri” planning method, which is a strategic planning process from Japan. Hoshin Kanri emphasizes alignment of organizational goals and continuous improvement. In a similar way, Kanri encourages users to set clear objectives, prioritize tasks, and work towards their goals methodically.

In essence, the name “Kanri” symbolizes a holistic approach to productivity. It merges the rock-solid framework of Kanban and the innovation of Tauri with the principles of efficient management and strategic planning found in Japanese practices. Kanri, our Kanban board application, is not just a tool; it’s a philosophy that empowers users to take control of their work, plan strategically, and achieve their goals efficiently.

About the creator

Hi, I’m Trobo (also known as Trobonox) and I’m a passionate hobbyist developer and student. I have built this project as I am a huge fan of Kanban and have extensively used other tools before, but did not find an offline app which suited my needs of storing confidential data locally on my Windows desktop PC. This was re-enforced by someone on a Discord community requesting this exact app after seeing my previous work on a Kanban web app, so that’s how its previous version, Kanban Electron (kanban-electron) was born. Since then, I have rewritten the app to use Tauri and have been developing new features and improvements ever since. I am very grateful for the interest everyone has shown in my passion project and hope to provide a great and useful offline Kanban app to many people.